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Technical Support Policy – Web-Hosters

Technical Support Policy is a division of and known jointly as ComCity LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company.


Design and Programming

ComCity programming and web design contracts come with 30-days of technical support from the design and programming team. For example, if something isn’t working properly and/or help is needed on minor issues resulting from the original design or programming, ComCity will fix the issue for you at no cost as long as the issue was original covered in the scope. After 30 days, you are responsible for maintaining your own design and programming code and ComCity will only provide normal or standard technical support.
(It simply is not possible for us to estimate the costs that it would take to support different customers for different and extended times. If this is needed, you must negotiate an extended support contract for programming needs for your particular purpose.)

Standard Technical Support

ComCity technical support is responsible for supporting normal web site operational tasks such as passwords, permissions, access, uptime, basic configuration issues, and other basic website functions. We define this as Standard Technical Support. This support does not cover programming, script debugging, coding, html debugging or any other tasks involving editing, deciphering or opening up scripts and/or html files. We define this other type of support as Consulting or Advanced Technical Support.

Supported Software

ComCity technical support will only provide support on specific tools and programs we deem as Supported and only for the life of the product as deemed by the manufacturer or distributor of such software. This support is limited to the form and functionality declared by the 3rd party software manufacturer and provided by the manufacturer directly. Moreover, support is limited to the form and functionality of “how the product was shipped”. We do not provide code-level debug as a standard support option; however, in some case, we may bid on these projects as advanced support as we deem appropriate. Support is limited to the lifetime of a product; once a new revision of a product is released — our support on order versions discontinues within 6 months. If the product is deemed “obsolete” by the vendor, support is no longer provided immediately. This support is limited to items specifically on the server. Also, if technical support is provided directly by the manufacturer, then the support will be limited to the areas where the manufacturer provides support directly to us. If the manufacturer provides direct support to the consumer, than we will direct customers to the manufacturer for support if our resources or capabilities become exhausted. The software tools supported are listed on our Web site.

[As an example, we support FrontPage. In the area of FrontPage support, we provide technical assistance on issues as to its performance on the server although in many cases we may attempt some direct FrontPage client support. However, we cannot be responsible for supporting the client product, as Microsoft is the manufacturer of that product and provides direct support and expertise in that area. We have similar arrangements for other products. You may contact sales and/or support with specific questions for clarification if you are unsure. In addition, we cannot provide assistance for “unsupported” features or capabilities. If the product is limited in some way and this limitation is described as a known “limitation” of the product, assistance would fall into the Consulting Technical Support category.]



ComCity technical support will attempt to resolve any issue within 5 business days (M-F). After 5 business days, and if a customer has documented a work order, a customer may request the issue to be “escalated” and “reassigned.” Issues escalated by an engineer will receive a “workaround” solution within another 48 business hours. A workaround solution may be as simple as “don’t do that” or “do this instead.”

SalesCart Priority Support

SalesCart is a separate division of ComCity. Hosting your website with ComCity does not automatically entitle you to FREE SalesCart Support forever, or for any version.  To qualify for any free support, you must maintain a minimum e-commerce hosting package size and have the latest release of our SalesCart software.  New products are created to satisfy bugs and other security considerations and if you do not update to the newer products, it is not possible for us to provide support for obsolete software.  SalesCart NET is a developer based software that provides advanced customizability. As a developer product, support is an optional purchase.

Exception: If you have purchased SalesCart NET before November 1, 2007 and Hosted at least a 6 month minimum Business e-commerce hosting package or greater, ComCity will provide SalesCart NET support included with your Hosting package for a term ending May 31, 2008.

The product life of any software product ends once a new version or a replacement of the same software is released. In all cases, SalesCart support is limited to ticket based resolutions that you initiate at


If you indentify what you to believe is a SalesCart software bug in a release that is currently being shipped, normal SalesCart support will attempt to investigate, characterize and reproduce the issue through our normal support channels for up to 5 business days (M-F). After 5 business days, and if a customer has documented a work order, a customer may request the issue to be “escalated” and “reassigned.” Issues escalated by an engineer will receive a “workaround” solution within another 48 business hours. A workaround solution may be as simple as “don’t do that” or “do this instead.” If the issue has been determined by an engineer to be a design bug, a fix will be provided within an additional 7 business days.

Technical Support Hold

If a customer has an amount that is outstanding, ComCity imposes a technical support-hold on the account until the balance due is paid up. While on technical support hold, no technical support at all will be provided including, but not limited to, password requests/changes, domain name changes, or answers to any questions. We will not stand in the way of any process; however, we will not assist in any manner. In addition, customers may not request nor receive credits for downtime during any support hold period.