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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): Part 1 – Web-Hosters

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): Part 1 is a division of and known jointly as ComCity LLC, a Texas Limited Liability Company.

Part 1 of 2

THIS ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY CONSTITUTES A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU AND COMCITY, a provider of hosting and electronic commerce SALESCART SOFTWARE, and services (“Services”).


You AGREE to refrain from the following examples of prohibitied conduct;
Your agree electronically to accept this agreement, by implication, if you continue to use our services;
If you are accepting on behalf of a company instead of yourself individually, you represent and warrant to ComCity that you have full authority to bind such company; and, finally,
If you do not agree to abide by this policy please do not use our services.


Upon any violation of ComCity’s Acceptable Use Policy, your Internet web services may be terminated without further warning and any all payment amounts due or any other administrative charges necessary to enforce or recover from your damages become due and payable immediately.

ComCity’s Acceptable Use Policy is designed to help protect our customers and the Internet community from irresponsible or illegal activities. As such, we prohibit unsolicited commercial appeals and/or any disruption of Internet services. Examples of such activities are given below:

Sending unsolicited e-mail is strictly prohibited. Using an any e-mail address hosted by ComCity to collect responses from unsolicited commercial e-mail is also prohibited. Having a web address referenced as a marketing beneficiary to an unsolicited email, “Spam-by-Reference”, is prohibited. Due to the administrative cost associated with researching and enforcing violations of this policy, ComCity reserves the right to make an administrative charge of up to $500 for each occurrence against any violators of this policy.

ComCity does not design, develop, host or promote any sites which contain any material which is illegal or which could be construed as illegal.

Material which might be construed as “unethical” can be terminated and discontinued upon the receipt of a satisfactory amount of complaints and the website owner and customer will indemnify ComCity and hold us “harmless” for any legal suits brought against them for civil violations or other violations of law.

Activities which adversely affect the ability of other people or systems to use our services are prohibited.

Attempts, whether successful or not, to gain access to any computer system, server, or customer’s data, without consent is prohibited and also illegal. These actions will not be tolerated and will be reported to the proper authorities including the FBI.

It may be necessary for ComCity employees to examine system accounting logs, website content, and other records to resolve system problems. ComCity reserves the right to access an account’s mailbox to resolve system problems or mail system errors.

ComCity hosting accounts have limits on the storage space allowed for both the website and e-mail together. To minimize the chances of this occurring, customers should make sure their e-mail program settings are not causing e-mail to be left on the server. Any email left on the server for more than 30 days, is subject to being erased immediately. If the total storage exceeds the hosting plan limits, they will be subject to additional charges for that billing period (monthly or quarterly). If ComCity determines that an account is exceeding the disk utilization limit but the email is not older than 30 days, the account owner will be notified by e-mail and sent an updated invoice. If the excess use continues for more than 24 hours after such notification, the owner will be given the choice of upgrading to a larger account or to modifying the activity creating the excess use or the email or website content will be erased to bring the customer within compliance.

If an account uses an excessive amount of bandwidth, the account owner will be notified by e-mail (to the email address on record within our accounting system) as soon as practicable. The customer will be responsible for excess charges for that month or quarter of service.

Attempting to impersonate any person, using forged headers or other identifying information, is prohibited. The use of nicknames does not constitute impersonation.

In the event that an account is inactivated or suspended as a result of any prohibited activities, the account may be subject to reactivation charges and/or deposit requirements to be determined by ComCity. Untimely payment of any and all amounts due may result in account suspension and/or cancellation.

If you violate one or more of these acceptable use policies, we reserve the right to terminate service without notice. In addition, ComCity will cooperate with the appropriate legal authorities in investigating claims of illegal activity, including but not limited to illegal transfer or use of copyrighted material, postings or e-mail containing threats of violence, or other illegal activity.


If you violate one or more of these acceptable use policies, we reserve the right to terminate service immediately and without prior notice.

If you believe one of our customers have violated this policy, you are invited to report the violation by fax, (Toll  Free) Fax:  866-660-5431.  Please provide us URLS or printed examples of any supporting documentation that you have.  We will look into the matter and take appropriate action.

Policy Effective Date: 1/1/2015